Overview of changes in mupacs 3.2.4: ==================================== Support for file-name completion for read in mupad-run inputs Displays file/line/col on errors (when MuPAD gives this information) Improved code factorisation Now fully independent of gud Bug fixes Overview of changes in mupacs 3.2.3: ==================================== Fixes of several bugs, including some annoying ones (see BUGS file) New mupad-run-arrow-behaviour options: Usual-Search and MuPAD-Style New customization variable: mupad-run-completion-strip-prefix Support for D and P in the debugger (P requires a recent MuPAD kernel and the -E option) Fixed rpm (missing mupacs.el initialization file) Overview of changes in mupacs 3.2.2: ==================================== Fixes of two annoying bugs (see BUGS file) Setup sane defaults for some variables Partial reorganisation of the documentation Overview of changes in mupacs 3.2.1: ==================================== Mainly a critical bug fix release (see BUGS file) Improved installation procedure: the startup file site-start.d/mupacs.el gets better chances to be installed at the proper place Overview of changes in mupacs 3.2: ================================== New customization variables: - mupad-run-completion-style (new completion styles in MuPAD-run) - mupad-run-recenter-behaviour (improved vertical recentering heuristics) - mupad-run-debug-level - mupad-help-examples-execute - mupad-help-examples-comment Lots of bug fixing (indentation, synchronization mupad-emacs, ...) Testsuite for the indentation. Use EMACS=TRUE instead of EMACS in the mupad user options. Improved support of /tmp/debug* file in the debugger Overview of changes in mupacs 3.1: ================================== Automake / autoconf / ... build system